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Sara Art Fair
Forced Landing
floor installation
16 x10 m

Forced Landing was installed in a half dismantled shop of a shopping mall. Since it is a public space, the installation was made with low cost materials: plywood and duct tapes. The carpet is cut and cut pieces rearranged thus forming a drawing. I was building installation during the mall opening hours with busy buyers passing by and looking the strange "Baustelle" with a spectrum of different reactions. My interest was in keeping a vibrant line between order and chaos, building location and a finished artwork and between abstraction and figurative reality. Since there was always a possibility that someone will rent the shop and that I will have to stop working I had a daily goal to reach the line where work can be abandoned. Tomorrow I would disturb this line again and the game would continue. 

Qafa Gallery
5 x 4 x 2,50 m

After small models that I made in my studio, big size Installation came to life for the exhibition Encoded Memories in Pristina, Kosovo in November 2011. Wooden structure is becoming more dense and smaller towards the middle of the object. Layers of drawings on transparent plastic sheets are condensing further in the middle. There is no carrying construction but the construction is interdependent and can exist only as a whole. In addition, lineal animation is projected through the construction. (This lineal animation was made by dismantling existing drawing made on a wall by black tape). In this clash of material and immaterial (video projection) a transparent and dynamical system is created, resembling the experience of an urban environment, which is constant rebuilding, reconnecting and recomposing.

An Obsolete Instrument 
recycled piece of furniture

The installation was made during my residency at art studio at Gredlerstrass in Vienna 2009. Since the exhibition took place on another location I made 1:10 model of part of installation for the gallery.

Blueprint of a city streets is superimposed and intermingled with interior. 

Concepts of "inside" and "outside" are becoming relative and uncertain. In this new contextualisation "big" and "small" are becoming relative. The whole "in(ex)terior" is ambiguous and dreamlike.

Art point Gallery Vienna
Wall drawing/installation with duct tape and wood
length 8m
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